How to become a Catholic
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
RCIA is designed for adults who would like to find out about the Christian faith in the Roman Catholic tradition. It gives the opportunity for those attending to explore the Catholic faith with others and to meet and talk to practicing Catholics about their beliefs. The group meets to pray, read, listen, and discuss the Scriptures, as well as a programme of topics based on our faith in God, Jesus Christ, the Church and human relationships. Some come to the group and decide to become fully initiated Catholics during the Easter Vigil in our parish church. Others use the group to simply find out more about our faith. Whatever the outcome, it’s an open group that attracts a wide range of interested people. Those wishing to participate in the group should already be or wish to become regular in attending one of our Sunday Masses.
When we meet
The journey begins in September, meeting weekly to develop and deepen your relationship with the Son of God, Jesus Christ, and His Church. There are a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith and fundamental beliefs of the Catholic Church. We examine different question around our faith so that we can develop a better understanding of it. The journey comes to a climax during Holy Week and the Sacred Triduum, where the participants are Baptised or received into the Catholic Church during our Saturday evening Easter Vigil Mass.
Topics we explore
Being Catholic is about developing and deepening our relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. We meet Christ in and through our experience of prayer, scripture, each other, and the Church. Throughout this journey we will look at our belief in God who calls us into relationship with Jesus through the Holy Spirit and what part the Church plays in this relationship.
- Tour of the Church
Churches can be unfamiliar buildings with unfamiliar objects and often uncomfortable seats! Here we explore the church interior and identify the key areas and objects. Why is a Crucifix given such prominence? Why have statues and stained-glass depicting saints?
- Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible
We take a quick journey through the Bible to understand God’s plan for our salvation. Are you familiar with the Bible? Do you have a favourite passage?
- Who is God? (Father, Son and Holy Spirit)
Jesus calls us His brothers and sisters. He taught us to call God Our Father. In this session we consider the nature of God and seek to understand why Christians regard God as one and yet speak of a Trinity of divine persons.
- Who is Jesus? What did He do? What does He teach?
Using the gospels we will look at Jesus and explore this man – his family, followers, preaching, teaching and miracles. You will be asked to read one of the gospels from start to finish before coming to this session and are invited to ask questions and develop an understanding of how the gospels speak to people in different ways.
- Prayer
We will explore the different ways of praying (e.g., vocal prayers, meditation, contemplation, intercessions, supplications, praise) and how we can grow spiritually through God’s grace in our lives.
- The Call of God and our response
We believe God calls each one of us to discover Him in the unfolding story of our lives. In this session we reflect on our particular story and identify the people and places that have brought us this far in our journey of faith. Remember, Jesus called His disciples to follow Him!
- The Church
What or who are we talking about when we use this word ‘Church’? When was the Church founded? What is its role in today’s world? In this session we will look at what makes the Church, its structure and hierarchy. We will explore its foundation with Christ and the apostles and trace its history to today.
- The Mass (Eucharist)
Central to the Catholic Church is the celebration of Mass. In this session we explain something of what goes on during the Mass and discover some of the layers of meaning given to the various gestures, for example: why do Catholics make the sign of the Cross?
- Sacraments of Initiation
Through the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist a Catholic completes their initiation into the life of the Church. In this session we consider something of the richness of meaning in these sacraments. What does it mean to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church?
- Sacraments of Commitment
The Sacraments of Matrimony and Holy Orders confer a particular mission in the Church and serve to build up the People of God. In this session we explore the richness of the Church’s theology of marriage and the nature of the ordained ministry.
- Sacraments of Healing
Through the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick a Catholic is provided with ways of receiving God’s healing and forgiveness. In this session we explain what reconciliation is and why a Catholic might ask to be anointed with the Oil of the Sick.
- Mary, Mother of God.
Who is Mary in the life of the Church? Why do we find a statue of Mary in Catholic Churches? What is the Immaculate Conception all about? In this session we will explore the role of Mary in the Church and how she came to be known as Virgin and Mother. We will also explore the devotion and veneration to Mary in particular through the Rosary.
- The Angels and the Saints
In this session we will explore our communion as Christians with the angels and saints in Heaven. “Indeed, the Saints have ever been, are, and ever will be the greatest benefactors of society, and perfect models for every class and profession, for every state and condition of life, from the simple and uncultured peasant to the master of sciences and letters, from the humble artisan to the commander of armies…” – Pope Pius XI, Divinus Illius Magistri, par. 99.
- Virtues and Vices
St Paul writes to the Romans, “I do not understand my own actions for I do not do what I wish, but I do the very thing that I loathe (i.e., which my moral instinct condemns).” Although called to a life of virtue (doing good) we struggle with the temptations of the flesh (our disordered passions). What hope is there for me?
- Morality & Conscience (Pastoral Care & Christian Response)
In this session we will explore the Church’s teaching on particular moral issues such as: social justice, the right to life, the death penalty and war. We will also explore the areas of sin and forgiveness and look at the role of our conscience in moral decision making.
- The Last Things (Eschatology)
In this session we will explore the Church’s teachings about hell, purgatory, and heaven, which are both fascinating and objectionable to many people. “The Kingdom of God is a gift, and precisely because of this, it is great and beautiful, and constitutes the response to our hope. And we cannot – to use the classical expression – ‘merit’ Heaven through our works. Heaven is always more than we could merit, just as being loved is never something ‘merited,’ but always a gift.” – Pope Benedict XVI, Spe Salvi, par. 35.
- Introducing Holy Week
Why is the day of Christ’s death called Good Friday? Why is the Easter Vigil considered the most important Church ceremony in her liturgical calendar? In this session we explain why the Church gives particular importance to the three days before Easter and why we consider this week to be the holiest week of the year.
Would you like to become a Catholic?
If so then please downloaded the “RCIA Registration Form (OLC)” via the button above (top of page). Once completed, please return it to the Parish Priest or Parish Office. For more information, or should you have any questions, please contact us. Thank you!
May the Lord bless you and give you peace!